[R] Questions about bwplot

Richard M. Heiberger rmh at temple.edu
Mon May 21 16:07:47 CEST 2007

## I simplified this panel function by taking the calculations outside
## the panel function to allow use of the original variable names.

my.boxpanel3  <-  function(x, y, subscripts, ..., medians, best) { 
  cols <- grey(1-best[,panel.number()]/3)
  panel.bwplot(x, y, fill=cols, ...) 

td3 <- test.data[test.data$Alg != "R1",]
td3$Alg <- factor(td3$Alg)

R1.medians <- with(test.data[test.data$Alg=="R1",], tapply(Value, GOF, median))
A.best <- with(td3, tapply(Value, data.frame(Alg, GOF), median))
A.min <- apply(A.best, 2, function(x) x==min(x))
A.max <- apply(A.best, 2, function(x) x==max(x))
A.best <- cbind(A.min[ ,1:2, drop=FALSE], A.max[ ,3, drop=FALSE])

bwplot(Value ~ Alg | GOF, data = td3, scale=list(relation="free"), 
       as.table=T, layout=c(1,3), panel=my.boxpanel3,
       ylim=list(c(0,1), c(-2,2), c(0,17)),

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