[R] more simplified output from glht object

Ronaldo Reis Junior chrysopa at gmail.com
Mon May 21 16:04:05 CEST 2007

Em Segunda 21 Maio 2007 08:14, Ronaldo Reis Junior escreveu:
> Hi,
> I use glht to make multcomp, using Tukey, from a glm model.
> It is possible to get a more simplified output of result? Somethink like
> ordering by letters.
> Thanks
> Ronaldo

I try to use multcompLetters, but dont work


> mc<- glht(m.pesofruto,linfct=mcp(Ind="Tukey"))
> summary(mc)

	 Simultaneous Tests for General Linear Hypotheses

Multiple Comparisons of Means: Tukey Contrasts

Fit: glm(formula = PesoFruto ~ Ind)

Linear Hypotheses:
             Estimate Std. Error z value p value    
2 - 1 == 0   -0.11213    0.08760  -1.280  0.9724    
3 - 1 == 0   -0.69390    0.08715  -7.962   <0.01 ***

But using the multcompLetters, 

> multcompLetters(mc)
Error in do.call(compare, list(x, threshold)) : 
        (list) object cannot be coerced to 'double'

What is the error? In manual this say that is to be used with multcomp 

Designed for use with the output of functions like TukeyHSD, dist{stats}, 
simint, simtest, csimint, csimtest{multcomp}, friedmanmc, 

It is not showed the glht function, but in multcomp package this function is a 
substitute for simint, simtest, csimint and csimtest.

Any idea?

Quem tem olho gordo, usa colirio diet.
> Prof. Ronaldo Reis Júnior
|  .''`. UNIMONTES/Depto. Biologia Geral/Lab. de Ecologia
| : :'  : Campus Universitário Prof. Darcy Ribeiro, Vila Mauricéia
| `. `'` CP: 126, CEP: 39401-089, Montes Claros - MG - Brasil
|   `- Fone: (38) 3229-8187 | ronaldo.reis em unimontes.br | chrysopa em gmail.com
| http://www.ppgcb.unimontes.br/ | ICQ#: 5692561 | LinuxUser#: 205366

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