[R] Is it possible to control R with S+?

Alberto Monteiro albmont at centroin.com.br
Thu May 17 15:36:56 CEST 2007

Bos, Roger wrote:
> The new version of S+ (version 8.0) is supposed to be able to read R
> code unmodified.  Insightful is supposedly spending a ton of time making
> S+ able to use all R code without modification.  It must be taking them
> longer than expected because I though it was supposed to be released 
> by the second quarter.  I have a S+ license and I haven't heard any 
> announcement from Insightful.  Anyone have more of an update?
How is S+ dealing with the _ feature? I have some R code that
I recklessly wrote with the _, and there is a nonzero probability
that my company will install S+ in some computers.

Alberto Monteiro

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