[R] Xemacs, ESS, R config issue

Marc Schwartz marc_schwartz at comcast.net
Thu Mar 29 21:37:29 CEST 2007

On Thu, 2007-03-29 at 13:57 -0500, c n wrote:
> I've searched for 45 minutes, apparently in all the wrong places for a
> solution to a configuration issue I'm having.
> When I use Xemacs with ESS running in R-mode, and I type a "-" character, it
> autocompletes it to "<- ".  How do I disable this annoying "feature"?
> Thanks much.

I think you mean an underscore "_" rather than a hyphen "-"?

If you type "__" (a double underscore) you will get an underscore. 

If you want to disable that feature, put the following:

  (ess-toggle-underscore nil)

in your init.el file after the point where ESS is loaded.

BTW, there is a dedicated ESS list:



Marc Schwartz

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