[R] for loop help
Anthony Steven Dick
adick at uchicago.edu
Mon Mar 26 18:32:52 CEST 2007
Thanks Adai. You can tell by the clumsiness of my script that I am new
to R and to programming. After wrestling with it this morning, I found
that the following worked best:
pre.outliers<-subset(final.roi.df, gFDR4FWHM >= 1.96)
outliers <- subset(pre.outliers, gtvalue4FWHM >= 0.00)
if(length(outliers$gtvalue4FWHM)==0) {
Thanks for the other suggestions. I have incorporated them.
Adaikalavan Ramasamy wrote:
> Try changing
> outliers <- subset(pre.outliers, gtvalue4FWHM >= 0.00)
> to
> w <- which( gtvalue4FWHM >= 0.00 )
> outliers( length(w) > 0, pre.outliers[ w, ], NA )
> Other comments:
> 1. Make sure you detach(data_gcs) at the end of the loops
> 2. scale() works on columns by default, so try
> current.roi.plus.z <- data.frame(current.roi,
> scale(current.roi[, c(15,18,21,24)]) )
> 3. For simple statements, you can use ifelse() syntax. Also see all().
> Using these two functions, you can try
> testextrem <- function(x) ifelse( all(abs(x[ 1:4 ]) < c(2.5)), 1, 0)
> 4. Try to minimise the use of attach() in loops.
> 5. You might be interested in learning more about apply(), tapply(),
> split() etc.
> If this does not help, then please resend a simplified version of the
> codes, preferably with a simple toy example to illustrate.
> Regards, Adai
> Anthony Steven Dick wrote:
>> Hello-
>> I have a script which steps through a series of subjects, and for the
>> subjects I remove outlying values. After removing these outliers, I
>> specify a cutoff, keeping only values over a certain value (e.g.,
>> 1.96). I want to populate a matrix with a statistic of the values
>> that make the cutoff (for example, the mean). However, in some
>> subjects, after outliers and the cutoff are specified, there are no
>> data that meet the criteria (I get <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)).
>> Here the script dies.
>> The solution I think is to specify a break so that the matrix will be
>> populated with a value (such as NA) and it will move on to the next
>> subject in the loop. However, I haven't been able to figure this out.
>> If anyone has any suggestions I would very much appreciate them. I
>> have paster part of the script below up to the point where it dies.
>> Thanks.
>> for (ss in levels(ss.list)) {
>> print(ss)
>> ss.count = ss.count + 1 query.string <-
>> paste("SELECT * FROM ",ss,";",sep="")
>> #print(query.string)
>> data_gcs <- dbGetQuery(con, query.string)
>> attach(data_gcs)
>> names(data_gcs)
>> mat_row = 0
>> for(i in levels(roi.list)){
>> print (i)
>> current.roi <- data_gcs[data_gcs$ROI==i,]
>> current.roi.plus.z <- data.frame(current.roi,
>> scale(current.roi[,15]), scale(current.roi[,18]),
>> scale(current.roi[,21]), scale(current.roi[,24]))
>> testextrem <- function(x) {if ((abs(x[1]) < 2.5) &
>> (abs(x[2]) < 2.5) & (abs(x[3]) < 2.5) & (abs(x[4]) < 2.5)) return(1)
>> else return(0)}
>> filtervector <- apply(as.vector(current.roi.plus.z[,c(27,
>> 28, 29, 30)]), 1, FUN=testextrem)
>> current.roi.plus.z.filter <-
>> data.frame(current.roi.plus.z, filtervector)
>> final.roi.df <-
>> current.roi.plus.z.filter[which(current.roi.plus.z.filter$filtervector==1),]
>> #print (final.roi.df)
>> kicked.out<-(length(filtervector) -
>> sum(filtervector))/length(filtervector)
>> print(kicked.out)
>> matrix.col = matrix.col + 1
>> attach(final.roi.df)
>> names(final.roi.df)
>> print(matrix.col)
>> #set cutoff for FDR. per voxel p values (of Z dist) .05 =
>> 1.96, .01 = 2.575, .001 = 3.277, .005 = 3.479 BE SURE TO CHANGE THE
>> pre.outliers<-subset(final.roi.df, gFDR4FWHM >= 1.96)
>> detach(final.roi.df)
>> attach(pre.outliers)
>> outliers<-subset(pre.outliers, gtvalue4FWHM >= 0.00)
>> ...and the script dies here because there are no data in "outliers".
Anthony Steven Dick, Ph.D.
Post-Doctoral Scholar
Human Neuroscience Laboratory
Biological Sciences Division
University of Chicago
5841 S. Maryland Ave. MC-2030
Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: (773)-834-7770
Email: adick at uchicago.edu
Alternate email: anthony at anthonymail.com
Please visit my homepage at http://home.uchicago.edu/~adick/
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