[R] Simple bar plot question

Janet jerosenb at fas.harvard.edu
Fri Mar 23 17:26:25 CET 2007

Dear all,

This is a simple question, but as far as I can tell, it's not in MASS  
or the R help archives or par man pages.

Are there any cex.* parameters which allow me to set the text size of  
the labels for the axes?

I want to plot the following table in which the "Definitely not",  
etc. are large.  cex.lab lets me change the size of the xlab text,  
but I don't care whether xlab is large.

 > par.prob.oralsex
                            			Definitely not    Probably not Yes,  
probably	Yes, definitely
child hasn't had oral sex       0.6    0.2   0.1	      0.1
child has had oral sex          0.5    0.3  0.1         0.1

barplot(par.prob.oralsex, beside=T, ylab="Proportion parents", ylim=c 
(0,1), legend.text=T, horiz=F, col=c("red", "blue"), space=c(0,4),  
xlab="Parent response", cex.axis=1.3, cex.lab=1.3, cex.main=1.3,  



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