[R] getting ess/emacs to link with a remote instance of R

Mark W Kimpel mkimpel at iupui.edu
Tue Mar 20 19:58:53 CET 2007

I am running ess/emacs on Linux and have an R instance running on a 
remote Unix server. I would like to be able to direct input from my ess 
buffer to R (hope I am using the right lingo, I am new to emacs).

The ess manual contains a section describing how to do just that, but a 
prerequisite is to install a lisp file ssh.el , which can be found at 
ftp://ftp.splode.com/pub/users/friedman/emacs-lisp/ssh .

I have downloaded the file but can nowhere find exactly what directory I 
should put the file into and, what, if any, entry I might need to make 
in my .emacs file.

One reference says to put the file in the "lisp emacs" directory, but 
there are actually several directories that have names similar to this. 
I tried them all without success. Whenever I try M-x ssh, I get [no match].

Can an experienced ess/emacs Unix user give me a hand?

As a client, I am running openSuse 10.2 Linux and the latest versions of 
both ess and emacs, which both installed without problems.


Mark W. Kimpel MD

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