[R] Hardware for a new Workstation for best performance using R

Peter Dalgaard p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Mon Mar 19 19:23:30 CET 2007

Thomas Lumley wrote:
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2007, Andrew Perrin wrote: (in part)
>> 2.) Yes, by all means you should use linux instead of windows. The
>> graphics output is completely compatible with whatever applications you
>> want to paste them into on Windows.
> This turns out not to be the case.
> It is not trivial to produce good graphics off Windows for adding to 
> Microsoft Office documents (regrettably an important case for many 
> people).  There has been much discussion of this on the R-sig-mac mailing 
> list, for example, where PNG bitmaps (at sufficiently high resolution) 
> seem to be the preferred method.
>  	-thomas
One option for people who are paying for software anyways is to install 
Adobe Acrobat Writer software for generating PDF files from Word. This 
also allows you to include ouput from the pdf() device, and the end 
result comes out really nice.

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