[R] How to specify Variance Covariance matrix of residuals?
dan metes
danmetes at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 19 05:54:23 CET 2007
Hi guys! I have a problem regarding a binary logistic hierarchical
model I am trying to use. The model contains various covariates that depend
on the location the response was measured at but do not depend on time
(year). I also have a spatial covariate that depends both on location and
time. I have been trying to use the lme4 pack but the package only allows me
to model variance covariance information for random effects. What I am
interested in is to actually specify a variance covariance matrix of the
residuals within year that would describe the unexplained spatial dependence
of the errors within each year. I had a look at the nmle pack in Splus and
it appears that the nmle function in that package is able to describe such a
var-covar matrix via the var.function option. So I was wondering if lmer can
do that in R.
I also looked at the MCMCpack in R since I might decide to actually
use Bayesian modeling when using my hierarchical model. From what I saw
logistic regression can be dealth with using this package but I'm not sure
if hierarchies can be specified, or if residuals can be given a variance
covariance structure.
I included my model below: (l - location index, t-time index)
Y[l,t] | p[l,t] ~ Bernoulli (p[l,t])
logit( p[l,t] | SpTimeCov, X1,...,Xp) = B0 + B1*X1[l]...+ Bp*Xp[l] +
A*SpTimeCov[l,t] + Err[l,t]
Err[1:L,t] ~ MVN(0, V)
where V is an L*L variance covariance matrix of the residuals
that I have to specify.
I would really appreciate if you guys had any suggestions as to what
package I should use in R (since I don't really have access to Splus) and if
I can use the MCMC pack later on if I decide to modify my model so that I
can use Bayesian methodology together with the residual structure in the
above model. Thank you very much!
Dan Metes
University of Alberta.
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