[R] Defining a floor value in a data.frame on a row-by-row basis

Feng, Ken [CIB-EQTY] ken.feng at citigroup.com
Fri Mar 16 09:37:47 CET 2007


I have a data frame x, and a vector y which limits x by rows
so that no element of x in that row is smaller than y.

For example,

> x <- as.data.frame( t( array( 1:9, dim=c(3,3))))
> y <- c( 2, 8, 0 )
> x
  V1 V2 V3
1  1  2  3
2  4  5  6
3  7  8  9
> y
[1] 2 8 0

I want to get this:

  V1 V2 V3
1  2  2  3
2  8  8  8
3  7  8  9


I tried:

x[ x<=y ] <- y

but R wasn't happy.

I know I can do this with a loop, but there has to be a way which I can avoid it...

Thanks in advance.

- Ken

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