[R] Rattle() GGobi()-Plots- How to save?

Graham Williams Graham.Williams at togaware.com
Tue Mar 13 21:16:47 CET 2007

Received Wed 14 Mar 2007  1:53am +1100 from j.joshua thomas:
> i tried with package DescribeDisplay
> dd_load(DescribeDisplay)
>                        Load describe display
> i couldnt find any documentation. could you give me a sample


> install.packages("DescribeDisplay")
> library(DescribeDisplay)

Then, within GGobi choose from the Tools menu to Save Display
Description. This will prompt you for a filename into which GGobi will
write an R script to recreate the current graphic. We can load this
script into R and plot:

> pd <- dd_load("ggobi-saved-display-description.R")
> plot(pd)
> ggplot(pd)

I've updated the section on GGobi in the Rattle book to reflect
this. See http://datamining.togaware.com/survivor/index.html (or


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