[R] sort of OT: bootstrap tutorial

Tim Hesterberg timh at insightful.com
Mon Mar 12 23:18:48 CET 2007

Another introductory document is
	"Bootstrap Methods and Permutation Tests"
This focuses on the methods, not on particular software.

There is an accompanying library at
that includes the datasets.  While this is for S+, R users could
adapt the data/readdata.ssc file to load the datasets.

The document is written for introductory statistics students, but
should be interesting to those who are more advanced.  For more info see

Patrick Burns wrote:
>There is now a tutorial on bootstrapping and other resampling
>methods at:

| Tim Hesterberg       Senior Research Scientist       |
| timh at insightful.com  Insightful Corp.                |
| (206)802-2319        1700 Westlake Ave. N, Suite 500 |
| (206)283-8691 (fax)  Seattle, WA 98109-3044, U.S.A.  |
|                      www.insightful.com/Hesterberg   |
Download S+Resample from www.insightful.com/downloads/libraries

Bootstrap Methods and Permutation Tests
		May 21-22 Philadelphia, Oct 10-11 San Francisco.
		2-3 May UK, 3-4 Oct UK.
Workshop on resampling for teaching:
		May 16 Ohio State 

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