[R] RMySQL on win32

Seth Falcon sfalcon at fhcrc.org
Mon Mar 12 18:55:17 CET 2007

Pete Cap <peteoutside at yahoo.com> writes:

> List,
> I am still unable to compile RMySQL on XP and would appreciate any
> assistance anyone could provide.
> I know that setting up RMySQL on win32 is not easy.  The installation
> instructions are supposedly contained in ../src/README.win.  They give
> instructions on creating a file, libmysql.a, which I was able to do
> successfully.
> Here is where the instructions basically break down.  The creation of
> this file all occurs in \MySQL\..\lib\opt, after which the reader is
> instructed to copy libmysql.a to ..\lib\opt (huh?  You mean, where it
> already is?).  Then the reader is instructed to build the binaries
> with Rcmd build --binary RMySQL.

Not sure about that part.

>>From the windows command shell, the result is:
> C:\>Rcmd build --binary RMySQL * checking for file
> RMySQL/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'RMySQL': * checking
> DESCRIPTION meta-information ...'sh' is not recognized as an internal
> or external command, operable program or batch file.  OK * cleaning
> src 'sh' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.  Error: cannot open file
> c:/TEMP/Rout381268676' for reading
> Apparently R is trying to call some shell script (from the windows
> prompt??) so I attempted this in cygwin. 

I don't think that will work.  You need to install all the required
tools for building source package with R on Windows.

> If there is a simply better solution that I should try, I would
> appreciate hearing about it as well.  All I really need to do at this
> point is send select and join queries to the local server--perhaps I
> should just install RSQLite from CRAN?

Well, if you don't need MySQL, then SQLite and RSQLite will get you
going.  If you do need MySQL, you can try RODBC.

+ seth

Seth Falcon | Computational Biology | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

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