[R] Reg. strings and numeric data in matrix.

Mallika Veeramalai mallikav at burnham.org
Fri Mar 9 21:02:39 CET 2007

Hi All,

Sorry for this basic question as I am new to this R. I would like to know,
is it possible to consider a matrix with some columns having numeric data
and some other's with characters (strings) data?  How do I get this type of
data from a flat file.

Thanks very much,

    Mallika Veeramalai, Ph.D.,
    Postdoctoral Associate,
    Bioinformatics & Systems Biology,
    Burnham Institute for Medical Research,
    La Jolla,  CA 92037, USA.
    phone : +1 858 646 3100 ext: 3627
    Fax   : +1 858 795 5249
    Web   : http://bioinformatics.burnham.org/~mallika/
    Email : mallikav at burnham.org (or) kaaviyam at gmail.com

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