[R] sending a vector of characters as arguments for a function

rolf at math.unb.ca rolf at math.unb.ca
Thu Mar 8 18:48:46 CET 2007

Pascal Boisson wrote:


> I have variables C_1, C_2, C_3 ... that corresponds to vectors of size
> n, and I would like to cbind them.
> I get a vector of their names using :  temp<- ls(pat="C")
> And I like to find a way to use this vector temp as an argument to
> cbind.
> Unfortunately, my various trials failed, here are some samples of what I
> tried :


        s0 <- ls(pat="^C") # Notice the ``^'' --- for safety.
        m  <- do.call("cbind",lapply(s0,"get")) # Names get lost.
        colnames(m) <- s0  # So tack them on.


                                Rolf Turner
                                rolf at math.unb.ca

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