[R] Generic distributions

Alberto Monteiro albmont at centroin.com.br
Tue Mar 6 21:38:18 CET 2007

Is there any class that generalizes distributions?

For example, I could say 
x <- generic_distribution("normal", list(mean=1, sigma=0.5))
and then use it like 
rgeneric_distribution(100, x) to get a sample of 100, or
pgeneric_distribution(0.5, x) to get the pdf at (x = 0.5).

In the openbugs/winbugs package, that uses a language that
looks like R/S, we can do things like x ~ dnorm(mu, tau),
forget that x is a normal with mean mu and variance 1/tau,
and then treat it generically.

Alberto Monteiro

PS: this is noise... but due to spam invasion, anything that
increases the nonspam/spam ratio should be welcome :-)

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