[R] how to edit my R codes into a efficient way

Xuhong Zhu zhuxuhong2000 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 16:19:15 CET 2007

Hello, Everyone,

I am a student an a new learner of R and I am trying to do my homework
in R. I have 10 files need to be read and process seperately. I really
want to write the codes into something like "macro" to save the lines
instead of repeating 10 times of similar work.

The following is part of my codes and I only extracted three lines for
each repeating section.

data.1 <- read.csv("http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~xsu/CLASS/STA6704/pat1.csv",
header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "",
fill = TRUE);
data.2 <- read.csv("http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~xsu/CLASS/STA6704/pat3.csv",
header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "",
fill = TRUE);
data.3 <- read.csv("http://pegasus.cc.ucf.edu/~xsu/CLASS/STA6704/pat4.csv",
header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote = "",
fill = TRUE);

baby.1 <- data.frame(cuff=data.1$avg_value,
time=seq(1,dim(data.1)[1]), patient=rep(1, dim(data.1)[1]))
baby.2 <- data.frame(cuff=data.2$avg_value,
time=seq(1,dim(data.2)[1]), patient=rep(3, dim(data.2)[1]))
baby.3 <- data.frame(cuff=data.3$avg_value,
time=seq(1,dim(data.3)[1]), patient=rep(4, dim(data.3)[1]))

I also tried the codes below but it doesn't work.

for(n in 1:10){
mm <- data.frame(cuff=paste("data",n, sep=".")$avg_value,
time=seq(1,dim(paste("data",n, sep="."))[1]),
patient=rep(1,paste("data",n, sep="."))[1]))
assign(paste("baby",n,sep="."), mm)}

I am looking forward to your help and thanks very much!


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