[R] from function to its name?

Joerg van den Hoff j.van_den_hoff at fzd.de
Fri Mar 2 16:50:48 CET 2007

On Fri, Mar 02, 2007 at 03:42:46PM +0100, Ido M. Tamir wrote:
> Hi,
> I can get from a string to a function with this name:
> >f1 <- function(x){ mean(x) }
> >do.call("f1",list{1:4})
> >get("f1")
> etc...
> But how do I get from a function to its name?
> >funcVec <- c(f1,median)
> >funcVec
> [[1]]
> function(x){ mean(x) }
> > str(funcVec)
> List of 2
>  $ :function (x)
>   ..- attr(*, "source")= chr "function(x){ mean(x) }"
>  $ :function (x, ...)
> > deparse(funcVec[1])
> [1] "list(function (x) " "{"                  "    mean(x)"
> [4] "})"

for any symbol/name


yields the string representation, but this won't give you "f1" for


but rather the string "funcVec[1]".

if you actually want to access funcVec components via strings denoting the
components, maybe you simply could use

funcVec <- list(f1 = f1, median = median)

and access these via


which would enable using a string variable holding the name:

dum = "f1"



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