[R] extracting data from zoo series

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 16:48:52 CET 2007

Please read the last line of every message to r-help and follow it when
posting.  You ought to have provided small examples for A and B and
the result.

The following lists every row in z that is at a date in zs or is up to
4 rows later:

z <- zoo(matrix(101:148, 24), 2001:2024)
zs <- z[c(1, 3, 10)]
z[unique(c(sapply(match(time(zs), time(z)), seq, length = 5)))]

On 3/1/07, Alfonso Sammassimo <cincinattikid at bigpond.com> wrote:
> Dear List,
> Sorry if I'm overlooking something simple here but I have gotten a bit
> tangled.
> I am trying to print the next five values(with their dates), which occur
> after a certain condition is met.
> I have a series of data in zoo format, call it "A". From this series I have
> created a subset (also in zoo format) based on a certain condition, call
> this series "B".
> I want to use the dates from "B"  as an index, so as each of these dates
> occur in "A", the succeeding five rows  from "A" after this date are printed
> out.

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