[R] lattice: clipping data, not plot margins

hadley wickham h.wickham at gmail.com
Fri Mar 2 15:56:57 CET 2007

On 3/2/07, Dan Bebber <danbebber at forestecology.co.uk> wrote:
> I am plotting subsets of my data, using ylim.
> This works fine, but the outer margin line widths of the plot are thin, due
> to clipping.
> If I include
> > trellis.par.set(clip=list(panel = "off"))
> then the outer margin line widths are fine, but the outlying data is
> visible.
> Is there any way of achieving both correct margin line widths and clipping
> of outlying data?

Why not subset your data?  (Of course if you are overlaying
statistical transformations, eg. a smoother, this will affect those
displays as well)


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