[R] Fat tails
Alberto Monteiro
albmont at centroin.com.br
Fri Jun 29 14:12:51 CEST 2007
I have a process that generates distributions that look like normal,
but with fat tails. I would like to model them as if they were
a mix of two normals (with zero mean). Is there any function that
recovers the standard deviations and the probability based on a
I would like to generate a sample like this:
r.mydist <- function(n, prob, mean1, sd1=1, mean2, sd2=1) {
# aesthetical stuff
if (missing(mean1) & missing(mean2)) mean1 <- 0
if (missing(mean1)) mean1 <- mean2
if (missing(mean2)) mean2 <- mean1
# now, let's work
# test is true if we must use the first normal (mean1, sd1)
test <- runif(n) < prob
# create the return value
rval <- 0
rval[n] <- 0
# generate the first normal when appropriate
if (any(test))
rval[test] <- rnorm(sum(test), mean1, sd1)
# generate the second normal when appropriate
if (any(!test))
rval[!test] <- rnorm(sum(!test), mean2, sd2)
# game over
# test
x <- r.mydist(1000, 0.1, 0, 1, 0, 5)
if (require(fBasics))
cat("the sample kurtosis is", kurtosis(x), "\n")
Now, with this sample x, how can I get back sd1, sd2 and prob?
Alberto Monteiro
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