[R] Comparison: glm() vs. bigglm()

Benilton Carvalho bcarvalh at jhsph.edu
Fri Jun 29 09:14:12 CEST 2007


Until now, I thought that the results of glm() and bigglm() would  
coincide. Probably a naive assumption?

Anyways, I've been using bigglm() on some datasets I have available.  
One of the sets has >15M observations.

I have 3 continuous predictors (A, B, C) and a binary outcome (Y).  
And tried the following:

m1 <- bigglm(Y~A+B+C, family=binomial(), data=dataset1, chunksize=10e6)
m2 <- bigglm(Y~A*B+C, family=binomial(), data=dataset1, chunksize=10e6)
imp <- m1$deviance-m2$deviance

For my surprise "imp" was negative.

I then tried the same models, using glm() instead... and as I  
expected, "imp" was positive.

I also noticed differences on the coefficients estimated by glm() and  
bigglm() - small differences, though, and CIs for the coefficients (a  
given coefficient compared across methods) overlap.

Are such incrongruences expected? What can I use to check for  
convergence with bigglm(), as this might be one plausible cause for a  
negative difference on the deviances?

Thank you very much,


 > sessionInfo()
R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23)


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[1] "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"     "datasets"   
[7] "base"

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