[R] Sweave bug? when writing figures / deleting variable in chunk

Peter Dunn dunn at usq.edu.au
Thu Jun 28 03:31:44 CEST 2007

> I have found a quite strange (to me) behaviour in Sweave. It only
> occurs in the following situation:

You need to understand what Sweave does when it creates pictures:
> <<>>=
> sel <- 1:5
> @
> <<fig=T>>=
> plot(trees[sel,])
> rm(sel)
> @

By default, a eps and pdf version of the graphic is made.
That is, this chunk producing the graphic is *run twice*:
once to make the eps file, once to make the pdf file.

After this code chunk is run once:

> <<fig=T>>=
> plot(trees[sel,])
> rm(sel)

...the variable  sel  is obviously deleted, so the
second time it runs... well, there's your error message.

Best to place the command  rm( sel )  in it's
own separate chunk.


Dr Peter Dunn  |  dunn <at> usq.edu.au
Faculty of Sciences, USQ; http://www.sci.usq.edu.au/staff/dunn
Aust. Centre for Sustainable Catchments: www.usq.edu.au/acsc

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