[R] eps in odfWeave
Dieter Menne
dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Mon Jun 25 18:15:04 CEST 2007
Kuhn, Max <Max.Kuhn <at> pfizer.com> writes:
Thanks, Max.
> What is the version of odfWeave? If you use those specifications in the
> current version (0.5.9):
Yes, version 0.5.9 (it was further below in my message, I forgot to put the
odfWeave flag before it.
I had tried your horizontal... suggestions before, because these came up nicely
in the error message, but the error remained the same, so I removed them. Here
another try for copy/paste, with a traceback.
The convert problem is a well known Imagemagick problem; clashes with "convert"
in the Windows directory. Workaround is to put the Imagemagick path before the
Windows/system32 path.
plotInfo <- getImageDefs()
plotInfo$type = "eps"
plotInfo$plotWidth = 4
plotInfo$plotHeight = 4
plotInfo$device = "postscript"
plotInfo$args = list(
horizontal = FALSE,
onefile = FALSE,
paper = "special")
demoFile <- system.file("examples", "simple.odt", package ="odfWeave")
odfWeave(demoFile, "c:/simpleOut.odt")
Error in check(options) : invalid value for 'type' : eps
> traceback()
5: stop(gettextf("invalid value for '%s' : %s", opt, oldval), domain = NA)
4: check(options)
3: SweaveParseOptions(chunkopts, drobj$options, driver$checkopts)
2: Sweave(file = rnwFileName, output = "content_1.xml", quiet = !control$verbose,
driver = RweaveOdf(), control = control)
1: odfWeave(demoFile, "c:/simpleOut.odt")
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