[R] Help With Sweave:
Dirk Eddelbuettel
edd at debian.org
Wed Jun 20 04:44:06 CEST 2007
On 19 June 2007 at 21:23, M. Jankowski wrote:
| Hi All,
| I am running Ubuntu Feisty (7.04) on a Thinkpad T41. I've installed
| the nowebm package for Ubuntu. Working from this HowTo:
| http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/~leisch/Sweave/example-1.Snw
| I try to compile the example *.Snw as in the Sweave manual:
| mdj at lapmdj:~/Desktop/Sweave/example1$ noweb example-1.Snw
| Can't open output file
| Despite the error, a *.tex file is produced. Now I am stuck because I
| cannot seem to get the CTAN noweb package correctly installed for my
| Latex installation. I guess I am somewhat spoiled by the Synaptic
| package manager. Here is the result of my best attempt to get the
| noweb package installed:
i) No external noweb package is needed
ii) Synaptic is not used to install CRAN / CTAN packages
iii) Everything should be provided by r-base-core and tetex-extra.
Since relatively recently, a 'Sweave' command has been added. So simply do
$ R CMD Sweave example-1.Snw
$ pdflatex example-1.tex
$ kpdf example-1.pdf # or xpdf, or gv, or ...
| A bunch of errors. What am I doing wrong? Any help is much
| appreciated!
You simply make your life too complicated when Debian and Ubuntu make it
easier for you :)
| Of course, if there is a better place for me to ask this question
| please let me know where! Thanks!
The r-sig-debian list is appropriate for problems with Debian / Ubuntu.
PS I usually use simple shell wrappers like this one. Others prefer
edd at basebud:~> cat /home/edd/bin/sweave
#!/bin/bash -e
function errorexit () {
echo "Error: $1"
exit 1
function filetest () {
if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
errorexit "File $1 not found"
return 0
if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
errorexit "Need to specify argument file"
BASENAME=$(basename $1 .Rnw)
filetest $RNWFILE
echo "library(tools); Sweave(\"$RNWFILE\")" \
| R --no-save --no-restore --slave
filetest $LATEXFILE && pdflatex $LATEXFILE
#filetest $PDFFILE && acroread $PDFFILE &
#filetest $PDFFILE && xpdf $PDFFILE &
filetest $PDFFILE && kpdf $PDFFILE &
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-- Thomas A. Edison
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