[R] problem with xlsReadWrite package

Hans-Peter gchappi at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 14:14:28 CEST 2007


2007/6/11, hassen62 at voila.fr <hassen62 at voila.fr>:
> I have installed R 2.4.0 in my pc. I have a file xls entitled dali following this directory:c://programfiles//R 2.4.0. Recently I have installed xlsreadwrite 1.3.2. but , when I wrote the following lines:
> >library(xlsReadWrite)
> >read.xls( file, colNames = TRUE, sheet = 1, type = "data.frame",  from = 1, colClasses = NA )
> I obtained from R console the following messages:
> Error in library(xlsReadWrite)
> impossible to find the function"read.xls".

xlsReadWrite 1.3.2 and 1.3.3 won't work with R2.4.0. They need R2.4.1 at least.
Unfortunately xlsReadWrite 1.3.2 didn't check this requirement
properly, but v1.3.3 does. IIRC (I am not in my office right now) the
reason for it is the argument: "stringsAsFactors =

You have 2 options:
- use R version 2.4.1 or 2.5.0.
- download the package in source form, remove the
default.stringsAsFactors() part and build the binary package from this
modified source.

BTW, according to the posting guide you should have contacted the
maintainer (me) first before posting to R-help. But I didn't get an
email from you...

Hope this helps and best regards,

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