[R] R Book Advice Needed

Roland Rau roland.rproject at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 16:13:32 CEST 2007


ngottlieb at marinercapital.com wrote:
> I am new to using R and would appreciate some advice on
> which books to start with to get up to speed on using R.
> My Background:
> 1-C# programmer.
> 2-Programmed directly using IMSL (Now Visual Numerics).
> 3- Used in past SPSS and Statistica.
> I put together a list but would like to pick the "best of" 
> and avoid redundancy.
> Any suggestions on these books would be helpful (i.e. too much overlap,
> porly written etc?)
> Books:
> 1-Analysis of Integrated and Co-integrated Time Series with R (Use R) -
> Bernhard Pfaff
> 2-An Introduction to R - W. N. Venables
> 3-Statistics: An Introduction using R - Michael J. Crawley
> 4-R Graphics (Computer Science and Data Analysis) - Paul Murrell
> 5-A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R - Brian S. Everitt
> 6-Introductory Statistics with R - Peter Dalgaard
> 7-Using R for Introductory Statistics - John Verzani
> 8-Data Analysis and Graphics Using R - John Maindonald;
> 9-Linear Models with R (Texts in Statistical Science) - Julian J.
> Faraway
> 10-Analysis of Financial Time Series (Wiley Series in Probability and
> Statistics)2nd edition - Ruey S. Tsay

as one other message says, it depends a lot on your ideas what you want 
to do with R. And, I'd like to add, how familiar you are with statistics.
One book I am missing in your list is Venables / Ripley: Modern Applied 
Statistics with S. I can highly recommend it.
If you are going to buy yourself only one book, then I would say: buy 


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