[R] Viewing a data object

Horace Tso Horace.Tso at pgn.com
Tue Jun 12 19:53:36 CEST 2007

Dear list,

First apologize that this is trivial and just betrays my slothfulness at the keyboard. I'm sick of having to type a long name just to get a glimpse of something. For example, if my data frame is named 'AuroraStochasticRunsJune1.df" and I want to see what the middle looks like, I have to type

AuroraStochasticRunsJune1.df[ 400:500, ]

And often I'm not even sure rows 400 to 500 are what I want to see.  I might have to type the same line many times.

Is there sort of a R-equivalence of the Object Explorer, like in Splus, where I could mouse-click an object in a list and a window pops up?  Short of that, is there any trick of saving a couple of keystrokes here and there?

Thanks for tolerating this kind of annoying questions.


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