[R] nlme model

Daniel O'Shea dan.oshea at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Jun 12 18:27:14 CEST 2007

I am having trouble figuring out the right form for the nlme arguments.  I do have examples in Modern and Applied Statistics with S and from other sources, but I still can't figure it out. 

I am trying to estimate species richness (sr) in streams across minnesota.  My predictor variables are depth (d), habitat diversity (habdiv), drainage area (da) and an indicator variable representing the watershed/basins that the streams are in (bas: there are 10 watersheds).  The variable explaining the greatest amount of variation appears to be da.  I have used a log(da) to linearize the relationship, but an asymptotic relationship is more appropriate. I have used nls:


I next used a random slope and intercept model using lmer from the package (lme4). 


What I would like to do is use a similar model to the modlme, but use (b/(c+(da^-z))) instead of log(da).  Keeping d and habdiv as fixed effects and the sr-da relationship for each basin as a random effect.  For the life of me I can not figure out the proper form of nlme.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  


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