[R] spgrass6 and aggregation (bis)

jessica.gervais at tudor.lu jessica.gervais at tudor.lu
Wed Jun 6 11:35:34 CEST 2007

Dear all,

I have some additionale question concerning the spgrass6 package.

* When you set a region in GRASS, does the readGRASS6 function in R only
load data contained in the zoomed region or the whole map ?

* When you have a MASK map in grass, does the readGRASS6 function in R only
load data contained inside the MASK area ?

Could this be the problem ?




Dear all,

I am exporting grass map into R thanks to the very useful spgrass6 package.


# I have 3 map I am working with a MASK map of a specific area.

# 1) a landuse map

# 2) a catchment map which divide the area in several catchements

# 3) a precipitation map

# then I would like to sum the precipitation spatialy over each catchment
and landuse. So, first I cbind all maps with cbind


# then I use the aggregate function
# here is the problem !!!
Error in as.vector(x, mode) : invalid argument 'mode'


I don't find any idea to solve this...

Does anyone has a suggestion ??

Thanks in advance


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