[R] Mandriva Spring 2007 and R

Roland Rau roland.rproject at gmail.com
Tue Jun 5 18:13:02 CEST 2007

Hi Jonathan,

Jonathan Morse wrote:
> I am new to Linux (not to R) and recently installed Mandriva Spring 2007 on my partitioned hard drive.  My next objective is to install R in the Linux environment, unfortunately Mandriva is not one of the Linux distributions available for download...  Could someone please let me know which distribution I should use?  
One possibility is, of course, that you compile it yourself for your 
computer. Compiling R was my first shot at compiling programs when I was 
new to Linux, and it was not very difficult. It is described nicely in 
the R Installation Administration Manual.

Basically, you only need to take care of the following steps to get you 
- did you download and unpack the source distribution (see section 1.1 
of the manual)?
- do you have the required tools installed (see section A.1 of the 
manual)? (C compiler, Fortran compiler, libreadline, libjpeg, libpng, 
tex/latex, Perl5, xorg-x11-dev)
- compilation (see section 2.1 in the manual)

I hope this helps?


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