[R] Beginners Question
Prof Brian Ripley
ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Sun Jun 3 13:32:32 CEST 2007
Please _do_ read the message. Only you are talking about 'doubled
values': the error report is about 'zero or negative distance'
What the help page says is
d: distance structure of the form returned by 'dist', or a full,
symmetric matrix. Data are assumed to be dissimilarities or
relative distances, but must be positive except for
self-distance. Both missing and infinite values are allowed.
and you are not supplying such a structure.
In any case, you seem to be trying to do isoMDS on Euclidean distances
from a 1D array. There is no point in doing any form of MDS on Euclidean
distances unless dimension reduction is involved, since otherwise the
distances can be represented exactly.
I suggest you take some statistical advice on your problem, as your issues
do not seem to be with R.
On Sun, 3 Jun 2007, Thomas Zastrow wrote:
> Thank you very much for your answer.
> Isn't it possible to tell the isoMDS function that it should ignore doubled
> values with the same value? Or is there a possible to delete all the doubled
> values from the x.dist?
> Best regards,
> Tom
> Prof Brian Ripley schrieb:
>> That two distances are the same is *not* what the message says.
>> You can't just look at elements of the results of dist() and simply relate
>> them back to object numbers. Try as.matrix(x.dist) for a human-readable
>> form.
>> On Fri, 1 Jun 2007, Thomas Zastrow wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> I'm completely new to R and at first I must say that it is a great
>>> program!
>>> But I have a problem with the function isoMDS from the MASS package. I
>>> have this code which I load with source() from a file:
>>> x <- c(163.59514923926784, 150.01448475257115, ...... {here are some
>>> more values})
>>> x.sort <- sort(x)
>>> x.dist <- dist(x.sort)
>>> library(MASS)
>>> x.mds <- isoMDS(x.dist)
>>> plot(x.mds$points, type="n")
>>> text(x.mds$points, labels=as.character("x"))
>>> The problem is in the line where the isoMDS function is applied: I got
>>> the error:
>>> Fehler in isoMDS(x.dist) : zero or negative distance between objects 9
>>> and 10
>>> When I look at values 8 and 9 of x.dist, I see that they have the same
>>> values (I'm not wrong, it's values of 8 and 9 and not 9 and 10):
>>> x.dist[8:9]
>>> [1] 39.8214 39.8214
>>> So, just to give'm a try, I changed the value of x.dist[8]:
>>> x.dist[8] <- c(39.7)
>>> Now, there are defintitely different values in this part of x.dist:
>>> x.dist[7:10]
>>> [1] 39.69898 39.70000 39.82140 39.98892
>>> But when I start isoMDS again, I got again the error:
>>> x.mds <- isoMDS(x.dist)
>>> Fehler in isoMDS(x.dist) : zero or negative distance between objects 9
>>> and 10
>>> So, where's my error?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Best,
>>> Tom
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel: +44 1865 272861 (self)
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