[R] plotting gam models

Lucia Zarauz lzarauz at pas.azti.es
Tue Jul 24 13:23:00 CEST 2007

Hi everybody,

I am working with gams and I have found some questions when plotting gams models.

I am using mgcv, and my model looks something like this:

model<- gam(x ~ s(lat,long))

I can plot the output of the model using plot(model) or plot.gam(model) and I get a surface plot. 

That is ok, but what I want to do now is to extract the data used to perform the surface plot. Like that I would be able to superpose them to a geographical map, and to plot these data using other programs.

Thank you very much in advance

Lucia Zarauz 
AZTI - Tecnalia / Unidad de Investigación Marina
Herrera kaia portualdea z/g
20110 Pasaia (Gipuzkoa)
Tel: 943 004 800 - Fax: 943 004 801
e-mail: lzarauz at pas.azti.es
www.azti.es ; www.tecnalia.info
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