[R] persp and greek symbols in the axes labels

Nathalie Peyrard Nathalie.Peyrard at toulouse.inra.fr
Mon Jul 23 16:58:05 CEST 2007


I am plotting a 3D function using persp and I would like to use greek 
symbols in the axes labels.
I  have found examples like  this one on the web:


this works well with plot but not with persp:
with the command

persp(M,theta = -20,phi = 
= "Z")

I get the labels as in toto.eps

Any suggestion? Thanks!


INRA  Toulouse - Unité de Biométrie et  Intelligence Artificielle 
Chemin de Borde-Rouge BP 52627 31326 CASTANET-TOLOSAN cedex FRANCE 
Tel : +33(0) - Fax : +33(0)
Web :http://mia.toulouse.inra.fr/index.php?id=217

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