[R] about R, RMSEP, R2, PCR

Nitish Kumar Mishra nitish at imtech.res.in
Fri Jul 6 12:41:37 CEST 2007

I want to calculate PLS package in R. Now I want to calculate R, MSEP,
RMSEP and R2 of PLSR and PCR using this.
I also add this in library of R. How I can calculate R, MSEP, RMSEP and R2
of PLSR and PCR in R.
I s any other method then please also suggest me. Simply I want to
calculate these value.
Thanking you.
Nitish Kumar Mishra
Junior Research Fellow
BIC, IMTECH, Chandigarh, India
E-Mail Address:
nitish_km at yahoo.com
nitish at imtech.res.in

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