[R] Row limit for read.table

Vladimir Eremeev wl at eimb.ru
Wed Jan 17 17:57:40 CET 2007

The problem is somewhere in the file, probably with tab characters, as removing 
sep="" from your call does the job.

> dfr<-read.table("Tchange_rates_crawled.dat",header=TRUE)
> str(dfr)
'data.frame':   122271 obs. of  5 variables:
> dfr<-
> str(dfr)
'data.frame':   122271 obs. of  5 variables:

R has no limitations you're talking about. A couple hours ago my R has 
successfully read in 460000 rows of data from a text file in a data frame using 
I have also processed even larger data sets (more than 500000 rows).

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