[R] Making TIFF images with rtiff

Janusz Kawczak janusz.rstuff at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 16:52:14 CET 2007

How about dev.off() after your plot! It is easy as you predicted :-)

Inman, Brant A. M.D. wrote:

>Thank you Peter Dalgaard.
>When I open a DOS box and type gswin32c, I do indeed get an error message saying that it can't find the program.  I edited the Windows system environmental variable "Path" and the user environmental variable "PATH" (wasn't sure which to edit), to contain the follwing after a semicolon "C:\Program Files\gs\gs8.54\bin\". This effectively fixed the Dos box problem. I now get a GS prompt when I type gswin32c.
>When I restart R and use the following code, I no longer get an error message.
>>bitmap(file='C:\\Documents and Settings\\m007704\\Desktop\\test.tif',
>+ type = "tifflzw", res = 1200)
>>plot(speed ~ dist)	
>Alas, if it was only that easy!  When I look on my desktop (to which the file address above correctly refers to), there is no image file of any sort to be found. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?
>Brant Inman
>It needs to be in your Path. If you open up a "DOS box" and type
>gswin32c, I bet you get the same error message. You can fix this by
>editing the Path (via My Computer/Properties/Advanced/Environment
>variables, as you seem to know). If you use the R_GSCMD route, you may
>get in trouble with the embedded space in "Program Files" ("dir/x c:"
>will tell you the equivalent space-free name). Also, remember that
>environment changes do not affect running programs so you may need to
>exit R and restart.

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