[R] prop.test or chisq.test ..?

Dylan Beaudette dylan.beaudette at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 02:36:30 CET 2007

Hi everyone,

Suppose I have a count the occurrences of positive results, and the total 
number of occurrences:

pos <- 14
total <- 15

testing that the proportion of positive occurrences is greater than 0.5 gives 
a p-value and confidence interval:

prop.test( pos, total, p=0.5, alternative='greater')

        1-sample proportions test with continuity correction

data:  14 out of 15, null probability 0.5 
X-squared = 9.6, df = 1, p-value = 0.0009729
alternative hypothesis: true p is greater than 0.5 
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.706632 1.000000 
sample estimates:

My question is how does the use of chisq.test() differ from the above 
operation. For example:

chisq.test(table( c(rep('pos', 14), rep('neg', 1)) ))

        Chi-squared test for given probabilities

data:  table(c(rep("pos", 14), rep("neg", 1))) 
X-squared = 11.2667, df = 1, p-value = 0.0007891

... gives slightly different results. I am corrent in interpreting that the 
chisq.test() function in this case is giving me a p-value associated with the 
test that the probabilities of pos are *different* than the probabilities of 
neg -- and thus a larger p-value than the prop.test(... , p=0.5, 
alternative='greater') ? 

I realize that this is a rather elementary question, and references to a text 
would be just as helpful. Ideally, I would like a measure of how much I 
can 'trust' that a larger proportion is also statistically meaningful. Thus 
far the results from prop.test() match my intuition, but affirmation would be 


Dylan Beaudette
Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group
University of California at Davis

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