[R] RSPython

Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro albmont at centroin.com.br
Sun Feb 25 21:45:50 CET 2007

Duncan Temple Lang wrote:
> Well, we'll need to know in what ways it doesn't work and
> what operating system you are using, etc.
In python:

>>> import RS
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: No module named RS

In R:

> library(RSPython)
Erro em ifelse(R.version$os == "Win32", ";", ":", ) :
        unused argument(s) ()
Erro em library(RSPython) : .First.lib falhou para 'RSPython'

Why they chose to give a partial translation of the error messages
in beyond my comprehension... A translation is:

> library(RSPython)
Error in ifelse(R.version$os == "Win32", ";", ":", ) :
        unused argument(s) ()
Error in library(RSPython) : .First.lib failed for 'RSPython'

Operating system is Linux.

> If you want to call R from Python, RPy is probably more straightforward.
Ok, I will try to find it.

Alberto Monteiro

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