[R] Function to assign quantiles?

Talbot Katz topkatz at msn.com
Thu Feb 15 23:50:16 CET 2007


If I call the quantiles function as follows:

qvec = quantiles(dvals,probs=seq(0,1,0.1))

the results will return a vector something like the following example:

      0%    10%    20%    30%     40%     50%    60%    70%      80%     90% 
    56.0   137.3   238.4   317.9   495.8   568.5   807.4  1207.7  1713.0  
2951.1  8703.0

Now I want to assign the deciles, 1 - 10, to each observation, so, in the 
above example, if dvals[322] = 256, I want to assign qvals[322] = 3, and if 
dvals[7216] = 1083, I want qvals[7216] = 7, etc.  I would think there would 
be a function, or some very quick code to do that, but I couldn't find it.

Here's what I have now.  It works, but I figure there must be a better way:

asdc <- function(q){max(1,which(qvec<q))}
qvals = apply(matrix(dvals,nrow=1),2,asdc)

Any suggestions?  Thanks!

--  TMK  --
212-460-5430	home
917-656-5351	cell

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