[R] SAS, SPSS Product Comparison Table

Muenchen, Robert A (Bob) muenchen at utk.edu
Tue Feb 13 21:51:48 CET 2007

Hi All,

Thanks to lots of good ideas from R-helpers, I've polished up the table
and posted it here:

To be consistent with its product orientation, I dropped mixed models
(it's not a separate product in either SAS or SPSS). I also added SAS/QC
and links to similar pages such as CRAN's Task Views. People (especially
Patrick Burns) sent the following list of topics that are not SAS or
SPSS products, but which might make good additions to Task Views:

resampling techniques: boot, coin (and many others)
report generation: R (the Sweave function)
neural networks: nnet, AMORE, neural, grnnR
finance: Rmetrics, portfolio (and several more)
designed experiments: BHH2, blockrand, conf.design, spc
Bayesian: BRugs, R2WinBUGS, bayesm (and many more)
circular statistics: CircStats, circular
robustness: R and many packages
medical imaging: DICOM, AnalyzeFMRI, fmri
functional data analysis: fda, MFDA
spatial statistics: spatial, spatstat, pastecs, fields, geoR (and more)
Markov chain Monte Carlo: MCMCpack, mcmc
meta-analysis: meta
graphical models: mimR, ggm
Mixed Models:	lmer, nlme, lme4
mixture models: mixreg, mixtools
pharmacokinetics: PK, PKfit, PKtools
musicology: tuneR
sudoku: sudoku

Frank Harrell made an excellent suggestion that this be a page at the
R-wiki. It's unlikely that any one person would know all these areas so
it might work out if everyone could edit the sections they know. If
anyone wants to put it up there, let me know & I'll be happy to send it
to you in any form you like. I expect once a table format was
established editing it would be easy.

I acknowledged everyone who wrote at the bottom of the table. If I
forgot anyone, it was an oversight. Drop me a line & I'll put you on
there. Thanks again to everyone for all the help!


  Bob Muenchen (pronounced Min'-chen), Manager  
  Statistical Consulting Center
  U of TN Office of Information Technology
  200 Stokely Management Center, Knoxville, TN 37996-0520
  Voice: (865) 974-5230  
  FAX:   (865) 974-4810
  Email: muenchen at utk.edu
  Web:   http://oit.utk.edu/scc, 
  News:  http://listserv.utk.edu/archives/statnews.html

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