[R] help with tryCatch

Stephen Bond sje at mast.queensu.ca
Mon Feb 12 22:43:12 CET 2007

Could smb please help with try-catch encapsulating a function for 
downloading. Let's say I have a character vector of symbols and want to 
download each one and surround by try and catch to be safe

# get.hist.quote() is in library(tseries), but the question does not 
depend on it, I could be sourcing local files instead

for ( sym in sym.vec){
try(ans=cbind(ans,get.hist.quote(sym,start=start))) #accumulate in a zoo 
catch(theurlerror){error=c(error,sym)} #accumulate failed symbols

I know the code above does not work, but it conveys the idea. tryCatch 
help page says it is similar to Java try-catch, but I know how to do a 
try-catch in Java and still can't do it in R.

Thank you very much.

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