[R] generate Binomial (not Binary) data

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Fri Feb 9 15:29:33 CET 2007

On 2/7/2007 8:20 AM, Marc Bernard wrote:
> Dear All,
>   I am looking for an R function or any other reference to generate a series of correlated Binomial (not a Bernoulli) data. The "bindata" library can do this for the binary not the binomial case.

Ted asked how you want your series correlated.  Another question is how 
you want it "binomial":  do you want each value to be binomial with 
parameters conditional on previous values, or do you want each to be 
marginally binomial with some fixed parameters?

I can only think of two trivial solutions that meet both conditions 
simultaneously:  the i.i.d. sequence, and a sequence that repeats 0 
indefinitely.  I'd be interested in hearing if anyone knows of any 
non-trivial examples of sequences where the distributions are both 
conditionally and marginally binomial, or a proof that there are none.

Duncan Murdoch

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