[R] Lining up x-y datasets based on values of x

Christos Hatzis christos at nuverabio.com
Thu Feb 1 21:05:22 CET 2007


I was wondering if there is a direct approach for lining up 2-column
matrices according to the values of the first column.  An example and a
brute-force approach is given below:

x <- cbind(1:10, runif(10))
y <- cbind(5:14, runif(10))
z <- cbind((-4):5, runif(10))

xx <- seq( min(c(x[,1],y[,1],z[,1])), max(c(x[,1],y[,1],z[,1])), 1)
w <- cbind(xx, matrix(rep(0, 3*length(xx)), ncol=3)) 

w[ xx >= x[1,1] & xx <= x[10,1], 2 ] <- x[,2]
w[ xx >= y[1,1] & xx <= y[10,1], 3 ] <- y[,2]
w[ xx >= z[1,1] & xx <= z[10,1], 4 ] <- z[,2]


I appreciate any pointers.

Christos Hatzis, Ph.D.
Nuvera Biosciences, Inc.
400 West Cummings Park
Suite 5350
Woburn, MA 01801
Tel: 781-938-3830

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