[R] Return Value of TCl/Tk window in R

Alberto Monteiro albmont at centroin.com.br
Fri Dec 28 12:56:01 CET 2007

Richard Müller wrote:
> I have the TCl/Tk command 
> "tkmessageBox(titel="",message="x",icon="question",type="okcancel")" 
> in my R script. Now I want to perform some operation in relation to 
> the user's choice, something like "if (okpressed) xxx else yyy" What 
> values does this command give and how are they used? 
Why don't you test it yourself?

x <-  tkmessageBox(title="",message="x",icon="question",type="okcancel")
# press x or cancel
# <Tcl> ok or <Tcl> cancel

To get back from this Tcl-thing to an R-string, use

y <- tclvalue(x)

Alberto Monteiro

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