[R] Using panel.densityplot with stripplot

Christopher Oezbek oezbek at inf.fu-berlin.de
Thu Dec 6 09:04:09 CET 2007

Hi Lattice-Experts/Hi Deepayan,
   I have been searching the archives for an answer to this, but am finally  
giving up:

I am plotting stripplots above each other using

stripplot(type ~ date, data = email)

which looks exactely as I want (type is a factor with 8 levels). I  
addition I would now like to display for each stripplot a density curve.

 From examples I would have thought I would need to do:

stripplot(type ~ date2, data = email,
           panel = function(x, y, ...) {
             panel.stripplot(x, y, ...)
             panel.densityplot(x, y, ...)

This works as far as the stripplot part is concerned. But

a.) panel.densityplot does not take a y argument.

b.) even if I drop y, no density curve shows up (I guess I am missing  
correct dargs here)

I have been toying with

- using panel.superpose but guess that this is not the right approach,  
since I do not have a grouping variable (and I have not succeeded in  
letting "~ date2 | type" and "~date, groups=email$type" look the way I  

- using densityplot instead of stripplot, but then panel.stripplot  
complains that argument y is missing. :-(

Many thanks for any advice/ideas!

Christopher Oezbek
Arbeitsgruppe Software Engineering
Institut für Informatik
Freie Universität Berlin
Takustr. 9, 14195 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 838 75242, Raum 008

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