[R] Newbie Question: Using R with PHP and MySQL

Eric Theise e.theise at podshow.com
Thu Aug 23 23:58:16 CEST 2007

On 8/22/07 1:31 PM, MASFERFC Team wrote:
> I'd like to
> (more or less) simultaneously return to the browser a couple of "canned"
> charts and graphs based on the data. Nothing fancy, two pie charts and two
> simple bar-charts to start. I need to generate these on-the-fly, based on
> the results of the MySQL query, and display them in the web-page, beside the
> table data.
> What's the best reference, if there is one,  for PHP, MySQL, R integration?

I'm quite new to R myself, and hope to read about your experiences 
further on down the road.

I thought I'd mention that we use PHP/SWF Charts in a similar 
environment for similar purposes, though I'm hoping to extend the 
complexity of what we report using R.


Cheers, Eric

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