[R] Formatting Sweave in R-News

Gregor Gorjanc gregor.gorjanc at bfro.uni-lj.si
Wed Aug 22 09:20:54 CEST 2007

Arjun Ravi Narayan <contact <at> arjunnarayan.com> writes:
> I am editing a document for submission to the R-news newsletter, and
> in my article my Sweave code inserts a dynamically generated PDF
> report that my R program generates.

Slightly off Arjuns topic is a problem with Schunk, Sinput and Soutput 
environments. They just use to much inline space. I have tweade this
problem with sed (see bellow for Makefile content), but wonder if there 
is a better solution.

Thanks, Gregor

default: Sweave fixTex
	texi2pdf --clean wrapper.tex && evince wrapper.pdf

Sweave: # Sweave myPaper.Rnw
	R CMD Sweave myPaper.Rnw

fixTex: Sweave # Change all S* environments to smallverbatim
	@cat myPaper.tex | sed -e '/\\begin{Sinput}/d' \
	                       -e '/\\end{Sinput}/d' \
	                       -e '/\\begin{Soutput}/d' \
	                       -e '/\\end{Soutput}/d' \
	                       -e 's/\\begin{Schunk}/\\begin{smallverbatim}/g' \
	                       -e 's/\\end{Schunk}/\\end{smallverbatim}/g' \
	> myPaper2.tex
	@mv -f myPaper2.tex myPaper.tex

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