[R] Possible memory leak with R v.2.5.0
Peter Waltman
waltman at cs.nyu.edu
Thu Aug 16 07:21:22 CEST 2007
I'm working with a very large matrix ( 22k rows x 2k cols) of RNA
expression data with R v.2.5.0 on a RedHat Enterprise machine, x86_64
The relevant code is below, but I call a function that takes a cluster
of this data ( a list structure that contains a $rows elt which lists
the rows (genes ) in the cluster by ID, but not the actual data itself
The function creates two copies of the matrix, one containing the rows
in the cluster, and one with the rest of the rows in the matrix.
After doing some statistical massaging, the function returns a
statistical score for each rows/genes in the matrix, producing a
vector of 22k elt's.
When I run 'top', I see that the memory stamp of R after loading the
matrix is ~750M. However, after calling this function on 10 clusters,
this jumps to > 3.7 gig (at least by 'top's measurement), and this
will not be reduced by any subsequent calls to gc().
Output from gc() is:
> gc() used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
Ncells 377925 20.2 6819934 364.3 604878 32.4
Vcells 88857341 678.0 240204174 1832.7 90689707 692.0
output from top is:
1199 waltman 17 0 3844m 3.7g 3216 S 0.0 23.6 29:58.74 R
Note, the relevant call that invoked my function is:
test <- sapply( c(1:10), function(x) get.vars.for.cluster(
clusterStack[[x]], opt="rows" ) )
Finally, for fun, I rm()'d all variables with the rm( list=ls() )
command, and then called gc(). The memory of this "empty" instance of
R is still 3.4 gig, i.e.
> rm( list=ls() )
> ls()
> gc()
used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
Ncells 363023 19.4 5455947 291.4 604878 32.4
Vcells 44434871 339.1 192163339 1466.1 90689707 692.0
Subsequent top output:
output from top is:
1199 waltman 16 0 3507m 3.4g 3216 S 0.0 21.5 29:58.92 R
Thanks for any help or suggestions,
Peter Waltman
p.s. code snippet follows. Note, that I've added extra rm() and gc()
calls w/in the function to try to reduce the memory stamp to no avail.
get.vars.for.cluster = function( cluster, genes=get.global(
"gene.ids" ), opt=c("rows","cols"),
ratios=get.global("ratios"), var.norm=T,
r.sig=get.global( "r.sig" ),
allow.anticor=get.global( "allow.anticor" )
) {
cat( "phw dbg msg\n")
cluster <<- cluster
opt <- match.arg( opt )
rows <- cluster$rows
cols <- cluster$cols
if ( opt == "rows" ) {
cat( "phw dbg msg: if opt == rows\n" )
r <- ratios[ rows, cols ]
r.all <- ratios[ genes, cols ]
avg.rows <- apply( r, 2, mean, na.rm=T ) ##median )
rm( r ) # phw added 8/9/07
gc( reset=TRUE ) # phw added 8/9/07
devs <- apply( r.all, 1, "-", avg.rows )
if ( !allow.anticor ) rm( r.all, avg.rows ) # phw added 8/9/07
gc( reset=TRUE ) # phw added 8/9/07
cat( "phw dbg msg: finished calc'ing avg.rows & devs\n" )
## This is what we'd use from the deHoon paper
##sd.rows <- apply( r, 2, sd )
##devs <- devs * devs
##sd.rows <- sd.rows * sd.rows
##sds <- apply( devs, 2, "/", sd.rows )
##sds <- apply( sds, 2, sum )
##return( log10( sds ) )
## This is faster and nearly equivalent
vars <- apply( devs, 2, var, na.rm=T )
rm( devs )
gc( reset=TRUE ) # phw added 8/9/07
test <- log10( vars ) # phw added 8/9/07
rm( vars ) # phw added 8/9/07
gc( reset=TRUE ) # phw added 8/9/07
vars <- log10( test ) # phw added 8/9/07
rm( test ) # phw added 8/9/07
gc( reset=TRUE ) # phw added 8/9/07
# vars <- log10( vars )
cat( "phw dbg msg: finished calc'ing vars (\n" )
## HOW TO ALLOW FOR ANTICOR??? Here's how:
if ( allow.anticor ) {
cat( "phw dbg msg: allow.anticor==T\n" )
## Get variance against the inverse of the mean
devs.2 <- apply( r.all, 1, "-", -avg.rows )
gc( reset=TRUE ) # phw added 8/9/07
vars.2 <- apply( devs.2, 2, var, na.rm=T )
rm( devs.2 )
gc( reset=TRUE ) # phw added 8/9/07
vars.2 <- log10( vars.2 )
gc( reset=TRUE ) # phw added 8/9/07
## For each gene take the min of variance or
anti-cor variance
vars <- cbind( vars, vars.2 )
rm( vars.2 )
gc( reset=TRUE ) # phw added 8/9/07
vars <- apply( vars, 1, min )
gc( reset=TRUE ) # phw added 8/9/07
## Normalize the values by the variance over the rows in
the cluster
if ( var.norm ) {
cat( "phw dbg msg: var.norm == T \n")
vars <- vars - mean( vars[ rows ], na.rm=T )
tmp.sd <- sd( vars[ rows ], na.rm=T )
if ( ! is.na( tmp.sd ) && tmp.sd != 0 ) vars <- vars / (
tmp.sd + r.sig )
gc( reset=TRUE ) # phw added 8/9/07
return( vars )
} else {
cat( "phw dbg msg: else\n" )
r.all <- ratios[ rows, ]
## Mean-normalized variance
vars <- log10( apply( r.all, 2, var, na.rm=T ) / abs( apply(
r.all, 2, mean, na.rm=T ) ) )
names( vars ) <- colnames( ratios )
## Normalize the values by the variance over the rows in the
if ( var.norm ) {
vars <- vars - mean( vars[ cluster$cols ], na.rm=T )
tmp.sd <- sd( vars[ cluster$cols ], na.rm=T )
if ( ! is.na( tmp.sd ) && tmp.sd != 0 ) vars <- vars / (
tmp.sd + r.sig )
return( vars )
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