[R] AIC and logLik for logistic regression in R and S-PLUS

Leandra Desousa sousa at ims.uaf.edu
Wed Aug 15 23:05:33 CEST 2007

Dear R users,

I am using 'R' version 2.2.1 and 'S-PLUS' version 6.0; and I loaded the 
MASS library in 'S-PLUS'.

I am running a logistic regression using glm:

 > mydata.glm<-glm(COMU~MeanPycUpT+MeanPycUpS, family=binomial, data=mydata)

The values in summary(mydata.glm) are identical for 'R' and 'S-PLUS' 
(except that S-PLUS does not return an AIC value).
Here is the summary(mydata.glm):
glm(formula = COMU ~ MeanPycUpT + MeanPycUpS, family = binomial,data = 
Deviance Residuals:
  Min       1Q      Median    3Q       Max 
-2.3514  -0.8268  -0.4831   0.8866   1.9864

             Estimate   std.Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept)   75.482     41.616    1.814   0.0697 .
MeanPycUpT     1.143      2.867    0.399   0.6902
MeanPycUpS    -2.548      1.225   -2.081   0.0374 *
Signif.codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 30.316  on 21  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 23.900  on 19  degrees of freedom
AIC: 29.9

When I use the 'AIC' and the 'logLik' command in 'R' and 'S-PLUS' I get 
different values:

 > AIC(mydata.glm)
[1] 29.89986

 > logLik(mydata.glm)
'log Lik.' -11.94993 (df=3)

 > AIC(mydata.glm)
[1] 71.03222

 > logLik(mydata.glm)
[1] -31.51611

However, if I use the 'extractAIC' command in 'S-PLUS' the returned 
value is the same as the one in 'R'.

 > AIC(mydata.glm)
[1] 29.89986

 > extractAIC(mydata.glm)
[1]  3.00000 29.89986

 > extractAIC(mydata.glm)
[1]  3.00000 29.89986


1) Which AIC value is the correct one?
2) Which log-likelihood value is the correct one?
3) If  'extractAIC' in 'S-PLUS' and all values in 'R' are the correct 
ones, and the 'AIC' and 'logLik' in 'S-PLUS' values are wrong then:
   Why 'S-PLUS' cannot retrieve a log-likelihood value from my glm 
object('mydata.glm'), even though it is using log-likelihood to 
calculate its residual deviance?

Thank you for you time and Kind attention.


Leandra de Sousa
Ph.D Candidate
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
Universisty of Alaska Fairbanks
245 O'Neill Bldg.
Fairbanks, AK
e.mail: sousa at ims.uaf.edu

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